GIS (Geographic Information Systems) provides a platform for your students to visualize, question, and interpret spatial data. Armed with GIS, your students will become the solution makers  and create recommendations that solve real world issues. A wide array of geospatials tools are at your students' disposal to help them measure the area of permeable surfaces, visualize rspatial elationships,   discover how the landscape has changed overtime.    

What can I do with a GIS?

    Crossing Boundaries Curriculum Resources
  • Compare human population and species richness to identify species that could be threatened
  • Use aerial imagery to calculate the ratio of permeable to impermeable surfaces over time
  • Map sea level rise around the world

  1. Quick Start Guide

  1. 1. Explore the GIS idea bank and find inspiration in websites teachers and staff have bookmarked.

  2. 2. Make a list of the data you want.

  3. 3. Find data and download
  4. 4. Unzip data [link to unzipping packet]

  5. 5. Open ArcMap and click yellow add data button in the main toolbar to add your unzipped data

  6. 6. Explore and analyze data
  7. 7. Customize data layers
  8. 8. Create a map
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