Latest Workshop

Geospatial and Web 2.0 Technologies for NYS Science
Have you been thinking about ways to get your students more engaged in learning science? Are you interested in helping them gain technology skills while learning science? You can join a movement of educators who are using the power of maps, the excitement of new technologies, and the relevance of real-world investigations to motivate students to learn science and prepare them to think critically and creatively.
For the past three years, 20 teachers each year have participated in Crossing Boundaries and contributed to the development of lessons and units that use Google Earth, GPS, GIS, and other geospatial and Web 2.0 technologies to teach science.
Crossing Boundaries will facilitate groups of teachers meeting at schools and technology centers throughout central and western NY to collectively participate in a workshop focused on the use of Google Earth and interactive PDF maps to engage students in learning important environmental and biological concepts.
While we recognize the power and potential of online professional development, we are also very mindful of how important face-to-face connections are for like-minded teachers. This workshop is our attempt to combine online and in-person professional development in a manner that enables more teachers to participate without losing the personal connections most valued by our teachers. Crossing Boundaries staff and teachers will lead a variety of lessons, sessions, discussions, and presentations.